Best Hard Rock Albums – Brent’s Top 30

Best Hard Rock Albums – Brent’s Top 30

At first I was going to make this a Top 30 Best Hard Rock Albums list, but after attempting to choose just 10 albums I realized that it's impossible for me to choose only 10, so I thought I'd list 15 instead......, that didn't work either, I figured I'd list 20,....but no, twenty wasn't enough either so I decided finally on a top 30 list. I'm sure there's some other classic hard rock albums that I've forgotten to include but I've got to stop somewhere, right??.........

I think by sharing my top 30 favourite albums it would give our audience a little more insight into the music we make. Every band's sound is greatly influenced by their own specific tastes and preferences in music. For those of you familiar with Damn Wicked's music you might notice some subtle similarities to the bands that are included in this Top 30 Best Hard Rock Albums list.

My Top 30 Best Hard Rock Albums List

Listed in no particular order...

1. KISS, Destroyer

2. Van Halen, Fair Warning

3. The Scorpions, Virgin Killers

4. Aerosmith, Rocks

5. RUSH, A Farewell To Kings

6. Black Sabbath, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

7. KISS, Alive 1

8. KISS, (first album)

9. Def Leppard, High N' Dry

10. Judas Priest, Point Of Entry

11. Black Sabbath, Paranoid

12. Black Sabbath, Sabotage

13. Black Sabbath, Masters Of Reality

14. Black Sabbath, Volume 4

15. AC/DC, High Voltage

16. AC/DC, Highway To Hell

17. AC/DC, Back In Black

18. Led Zeppelin, 2

19. Led Zeppelin, 3

20. Deep Purple, Machine Head

21. Sweet, Desolation Boulevard

22. Kansas, Masque

23. Alice In Chains, Dirt

24. Queen, A Night At The Opera

25. Angel, Helluva Band

26. Van Halen, Van Halen II

27. Rainbow, Long Live Rock 'n' Roll

28. Ozzy Osbourne, Blizzard Of Oz

29. Accept, Balls To The Wall

30. Black Sabbath, Heaven & Hell

Which of these albums do you like? Did I miss any other great ones? What are the best hard rock albums according to you?


Damn Wicked

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